Google + You Tube = GoogTube?

Tech Crunch is reporting that Google is in talks to aquire You Tube for 1.6 Billion.  Wow!

Talk about a nice way to end the week!

Forums Go Live at

The crew over at has just launched their latest site edition, Forums.  They’ve got some great categories setup, and I’m sure it will soon be your one stop source for any Tablet/UMPC/Mobile computing questions.

Great job guys!

40% Better Search Results than Google?

In all my free time, I decided to whip up a better search engine than Google, I named it EdOOgle.

Try it out and let me know if your results aren’t at least 40% better than Google.


This, of course, is just a cool little hack someones thrown together – it still uses Goolge for the search, it just replaces the logo with whatever you want.  Just go to the site and change the name to whatever you like.  This has probably been around a while, but I just saw it, and thought it was worth sharing.

All this being said, if anyone wants to fund EdOOgle, please get in touch 🙂 heh.

Converge South Blogging Conference

Next weekend (Fri & Sat) is the ConvergeSouth blogging and new media conference in Greensboro, NC.  If you live in the Southeast, or feel like a road trip to the Southeast, you should check it out.  The conference is free (donations requested), and should be a good time.  Robert Scoble and Elizabeth Edwardsare just two of the many speakers.

Here is a funnly little promo video by Amanda Congdon and Ed Cone


Hope to see you there!

Testing Ink Blog Plugin From Vista RC1

I had a blog comment today wondering if the Ink Blog Plugin runs under Vista.  Oddly enough, I had not yet tried it from a Tablet, so i thought I’d give it a whirl.  Yup, looks like it will work.

Please note, you’ll likely need to follow the instructions here after installing the plugin to get things going.  Make sure to restart Live Writer after applying the update.

Ink Generated with Ink Blog Plugin -

InkShow of the Ink Blog PlugIn

Warner over at just posted an InkShow (video) of the Ink Blog PlugIn tool in action.  Thanks for doing the nice InkShow Warner!

He was also sporting some of the new GBM gear – very nice.  Make sure to get yours today.

You’re Spending Too Much Time on a Tablet PC When…

…you’re reading a book and you catch yourself glancing at the bottom right corner of the page in an effort to tell what time it is.

Heh!  I just read that quote from David Gaw over at Cuz We Said So.  It gave me a good chuckle because I’ve caught myself doing that, AND checking to see if I had a ‘new mail message’ icon!

My Mojo is Slow!

The new MojoPac product had been getting a lot of press this week, thanks to it debut at DEMO Fall.  The concept is excellent, it basically allows you to create a virtual Windows XP machine on an iPod, smartphone, or any other USB based portable media device.  You can then plug this device into any other XP machine and run your desktop, applications and access your data all securely and privately – ‘What happens in MojoPac, stays in MojoPac’.

I was really excited when I first heard about this, and downloaded a trial copy earlier this week.  Even though I have no less that 5 portable computers at a given time – between Tablet PCs, UMPCs, and laptops, I thought it would be nice to have a backup on my iPod, or even better smartphone, in case I was on the road and had a hardware failure.  Having access to a key powerpoint, excel sheet or any other data AND the programs to run them seems very powerful to me.  I generally keep important data backed up on a USB thumb drive when I travel, but can’t count the number of times I’ve not been able to use it because the PC I’m borrowing does not have the right applications installed.  MojoPac could have fixed this.

The Install was seamless, and everything actually went better than I expected.  I was also pleasantly surprised to find that it did not blow away all the tunes on my 5th Gen 60 Gig iPod.  But when I went to actually use it, I could not believe how slow it was.  No problem I thought, I’ll just check their site for performance tips, I probably missed something, or just need to tweak a setting – there is no way it could be running this slow.  After finding how to optimize the mojo , I checked and already had those settings enabled.  Not Good.  Maybe it is just my PC?  I’ve now tried it on two desktops and one laptop – all with at least a 2.4ghz processor and a gig of RAM (one had a 3Ghz Duel core CPU and 2 Gigs of RAM).

I’ve also run Diskeeper on the iPod, to defrag the drive thinking that was it, still no luck.  Just to give a few examples, Firefox launches in ~18 seconds inside Mojo, while it is less than 2 seconds on the host machine.  Word 2003 is ~21 seconds vs ~3 seconds.  IMO, basically unusable other than extreme emergencies.

I’ve read some impressive articles from people who saw MojoPac at DEMO running games at excellent quality, so hopefully this is just a minor issue that I can get fixed.  I emailed their support a few days ago, maybe they will respond soon with something else to try.

How is your Mojo?  I’d like to hear how it is working for other people who have downloaded the demo version.

New Windows Live Gallery for Writer Plugins

 Charles Teague from the MS Live Writer Team just emailed me to let me know the Live Gallery is now, well, live, for Writer Plugins.  This is a Microsoft sponsored site that allows developers to upload their Writer Plugins into a central repository, where users can search them by tags, rating, category, etc..  There is also a verification process involved, where Microsoft ensures that the plugin is safe and stable.

Another great site to find Writer plugins is WLW Plugins.

Ink Blog Plugin goes Gold!

Version 1.0 of the Ink Blog Plugin for Windows Live Writer is now available!  You may download it free here

The self installer will overwrite any previous beta versions, just make sure WLW is not running when you install (or you may be required to reboot).

Most of the changes from Beta 2 to v1.0 were minor bug fixes, tweaks, and the October 1, 2006 expiration was removed.  (NOTE: If you are using Beta 2, please upgrade ASAP, since it will quit working soon).

There were two features I really wanted to get in, but couldn’t (A Call for Help):

  • Ability to show / hide recognized text on the blog pages
  • Ability to hyperlink inside the ink

I was able to get both of these working inside my test blog, but as soon as I tested on other blog service/software everything broke.  It seems that many blog packages strip out certain HTML, JS and CSS tags inside the post, presumably for security, which makes sense.  So finding the right combination that will work on the major blogs, without being stripped out, seems to be difficult.

I’m sure there is a HTML/CSS guru out there who could whip this up quickly, but unfortunately this is not an area of expertise for me (though it’s been a lot of fun learning!) and I did just not have the time to get it in V1.  If you are an expert, and would like to help here, please get in touch.  Since this is a free product, the only pay will be the joy of knowing thousands of people are using (or at least downloading) something you helped create.  You do not need to be a .NET or plugin programmer to help here, you would just need to supply the sample HTML etc.. in a text document, and I can integrate it into the code.

That’s all for now folks, please keep the great feedback and suggestions coming!